Whole Grain Ingredient Content Claims

The Code of Practice for Whole Grain Ingredient Content Claims (the Code) outlines the claims which may be used by Registered Users of the Code. These claims are based on an industry standard developed by GLNC which defines the whole grain content required to make claims on foods. There are three whole grain ingredient content claim levels. To find out about the scientific rationale behind these levels click here.

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Whole Grain Ingredient Content Claim Levels

  Whole grain ingredient content per manufacturer serve   Permitted whole grain ingredient content claim
  < 8g whole grain   No whole grain ingredient content claim permitted
  ≥ 8g whole grain   Contains whole grain
  ≥ 16g whole grain   High in whole grain
  ≥ 24g whole grain   Very high in whole grain



To be eligible to use the whole grain ingredient content claims, a company is required to apply to become a Registered User of the Code and complete a Product Registration form outlining all products that carry or will carry the whole grain ingredient content claims.

Approval of packaging is not required. However, GLNC will provide receipt confirmation to the Registered User.  Registered Users are required to notify GLNC of any new products that will carry the whole grain ingredient content claim prior to launch.

No fee will be payable by the Registered User in relation to use of the whole grain ingredient content claims.

Apply to become a Registered User here.

Toddler Foods

To encourage the inclusion of whole grain foods in the diet from a young age, the Code allows the use of the whole grain ingredient content claims on foods that may contain less than 8 grams of whole grain per serve if these foods are intended to be consumed exclusively or primarily by toddlers 1-3 years old.

To carry whole grain ingredient content claims, toddler foods must meet specific content criteria listed in the Code and carry the whole grain Daily Target Intake (DTI) statement for children 1-3 years old.

Products that do not meet this requirement must not carry the whole grain Daily Target Intake (DTI) statement (or any variation of it), make a whole grain ingredient content claim or make a factual statement of whole grain content.

To avoid misleading consumers Registered Users must use the whole grain DTI statement for toddlers:

  • “One [insert product serve descriptor] serve/s of [insert registered product name] contributes XX% of the 24g whole grain Daily Target Intake for 1-3 year olds”


  • “One [insert product serve descriptor] serve/s of [insert registered product name] contributes XX% towards the 24g Grains & Legumes Nutrition CouncilTM whole grain Daily Target Intake for 1-3 year olds”

For example: “One Grainy Bubble Bar contributes 20% towards the 24g Grains & Legumes Nutrition CouncilTM whole grain Daily Target Intake for 1-3 year olds”

For full details on the use of the whole grain ingredient content claims download a copy of the Code of Practice for Whole Grain Ingredient Content Claims.

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