Science Behind the Whole Grain Ingredient Content Claims

The whole grain ingredient content claims were developed by GLNC on behalf of, and with involvement from, grains industry stakeholders and the public health and nutrition research community.

The three levels of whole grain content required to make claims (8 grams, 16 grams and 24 grams per serve) are based in the contribution to the 48 gram whole grain Daily Target Intake1 in line with the 2013 Australian Dietary Guidelines recommendation to eat a variety of grain foods, mostly whole grain &/or higher fibre varieties. A product audit has confirmed the three levels are achievable targets for food industry.2

The whole grain content level of 8 grams per serve is based on the minimum amount in each serve required for adults to achieve the whole grain Daily Target Intake when following the 2013 Australian Dietary Guidelines recommendation of 6 serves of grain foods per day. The 8 grams aligns with with international labelling and characterisation of whole grain food.3












  1. Griffiths T, Nestel P. Developing a target for daily whole grain intake for Australians. Food Aust 2006. 58(9):431-433
  2. Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council. Whole grain food product audit 2012. Unpublished.
  3. Tucker M et al. Whole Grains: Scientific rationale for dietary guidance, whole grain food definition and product innovation. Poster Presentation: IUNS 20th International Congress of Nutrition

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