
Social Media House Rules

Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council are interested to hear what you have to say, but we want to make sure that everyone is fair, respectful to each other and understand the guidelines for conversation on this page.

–          Please do not upload pictures of under 18s or any other content which may be deemed inappropriate or irrelevant. Any such content will be removed by the administrators of this page.
–          Show each other respect. Sexist, racist or homophobic comments will not be tolerated. Swearing, defamation, bullying and any discussion or content featuring illegal activity is not allowed.
–          Please don’t attempt to impersonate other people, well known or otherwise.
–          For further information on GLNC please visit https://staging.glnc.org.au/. Please consult a healthcare professional for dietary advice.

The administrators of this page will remove any contributions that break our House Rules and Facebook’s Terms of Use. Depending on the severity, the administrators have the right to remove your comments/contributions or ban you from this page.

Copyright, Plagiarism and Ownership

Before you upload any content, please make sure you own the rights to it e.g. images, video, music etc all need to be your own creation or legally available for you to use.

If the administrators suspect’s you’ve uploaded content that is not legally yours, GLNC  will need to remove it, or ask you to provide reasonable evidence of ownership.


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