
Join the GLNC Community

GLNC operates through the support of Contributors to the Council. Contributors gain access to valuable resources, insights and the opportunity to leverage the independent position of the GLNC with key opinion leaders and regulators. As an organisation, GLNC houses a significant amount of research, data and insights and offers a range of services for interested organisations. For further information and to join GLNC today, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us on contactus@glnc.org.au

Benefits of Membership

Nutrition Science Knowledge – Evidence base

GLNC has a rich resource base of data, analysis and evidence based material, along with two full time Accredited Practising Dietitians on staff, which allows the organisation to undertake the following tasks:

  • Health Claims: prepare and manage dossiers of evidence that allow self-substantiation of general level health claims for grain foods and legumes. Development of high level health claims can be conducted upon request*
  • Critical analyses on the latest local and international scientific nutrition and health papers relating to grains and legumes
  • Develop key science topic review papers to assess the total body of evidence, e.g. gut health, plant-based diets, inflammation etc
  • Develop specific nutrition information to support product development and communications, fully referenced and evidence-based
  • Provide expert advice and opinion on nutrition and health matters to ensure products are developed and promoted in line with industry best practice, latest science and legislation, including compliance with the Australian New Zealand Food Standards Code*

*Fee for service may apply subject to consultancy requirements

Data – To inform decisions

GLNC houses a range of data, which includes:

  • Online database of over 3,100 local and international peer-reviewed scientific papers relating to grains and legumes, consumer research reports, presentations, selected data and statistics
  • Comprehensive nutrient analysis of Australian grown grains and legumes
  • Key Messages Manual and Issues Management Manual detailing evidence-based responses to key issues related to nutrition and grains and legumes
  • Grains and legume foods category review data comprising of nutrients and on-pack claims eg breakfast cereals, bread, legume foods etc repeated every two years
  • Fortnightly media reports tracking sentiment and coverage of grains and legumes
  • Quarterly media and sentiment analyses

Advocacy – To drive action

The independent position of GLNC enables the Council to influence and drive action on regulatory and policy change. The Council:

  • Develops policy discussion papers and public health policy and regulatory submissions
  • Reviews the latest updates and insights on legislative and regulatory changes
  • Offers insights into commercial application and the impact of regulatory and policy decisions on organisations
  • As an independent authority, the Council has the ability to discuss product innovations, new scientific research and consumer resources on behalf of the industry with key opinion leaders, such as media and dietitians, through stakeholder briefings and meetings

Consumer Knowledge – Valuable insights

GLNC undertakes notable consumer research that generates a raft of information on consumer attitudes and perceptions about grains and legumes including consumption. This includes:

  • GLNC’s Consumption and Attitudes Study – 2009, 2011, 2014 & 2017
  • Access GLNC Category Reports which provide insights into the latest trends and innovation in grains and legumes
  • GLNC’s Australian Health Survey Secondary Analysis Report

Marketing Tools & Resources – Value-add

Add value to your brand or business and stand out from the crowd by accessing GLNC’s range of marketing tools and communication channels.

  • Use of GLNC logo on pack and off pack for grain and legume foods that qualify for certification under the Code of Practice for Whole Grain Ingredient Content Claims
  • Leverage the power and credibility of the
  • GLNC name and logo as third party endorsement for product marketing campaigns. Separate to product certification, this applies to campaigns consistent with GLNC’s position on nutrition and health and is subject to GLNC approva
  • Leverage GLNC in company media releases, collateral or marketing material through the use of independent GLNC quotes relating to the nutrition and health benefit or need to incorporate more grains and legumes in the diet
  • Request bespoke nutrition and trends summaries on the health benefits of grain foods and legumes to complement marketing initiatives
  • GLNC has a social media community of over 60,000 and growing, providing a captive audience to communicate with.

Become a Member

Interested in becoming a Member? You can find all of the benefits of contributing here.

If you have any questions about membership or require assistance with completing the form, please contact us at contactus@glnc.org.au

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